Broadcast Date: 14 May 2017 (Sunday)
Film Date: 25 April 2017 (Tuesday)
Rating: ****
Guests: None
I truly felt so tired for JSJ - really really tired. Love how they're taking time to build the team chemistry with the new members. Se Chan really needs to learn how to stand out better - we don't need another HDH or LKS.
Episode 349
Global Project: Dangerous Choices
Broadcast Date: 06 May 2017 (Saturday)
Film Date: 17 & 24 April 2017 (Monday)
Rating: ***
Guests: None
While it's fun to "hook" KJK up, I'm quite sick of seeing it. /justsaying.
Seriously, So Min is slowly becoming a favourite of mine. She's so wonderfully weird and fits well in the team. I don't like how it was so difficult to get the tour stickers early on, and now it's like given away for every little thing -.- Please be a little more consistent!!
Episode 348
Dangerous Trips Continue
Broadcast Date: 30 April 2017 (Sunday)
Film Date: 10 & 17 April 2017 (Monday)
Rating: ***
Guests: Jang Do Yeon, Hyo-rin (Sistar)
The concept of the episodes spilling to the next one is a little annoying for me. Cos we've been so used to having a conclusion every week, while this creates audience anticipation and cliffhangers, for me it was just annoying. -.- (sorry, personal pet peeve) But I'm slowly falling in love with So Min, while Se Chan, he's putting effort, but he's so afraid to stand out or just offend people, it's quite painful to watch him. *shrugs
While I like that the PD team is making the challenges harder, I feel like they've got to make sure it's at least achievable? (I know I'm contradicting on this - let's wait and see)
SJH just shows how amazing she is really.
It's so sad that Gary truly cut off communication with the team - maybe he's really going through something very personal. Kang Gary, 진심으로 축하해!
p.s. I love JSJ game LOL
Episode 347
Dangerous Trips
Broadcast Date: 23 April 2017 (Sunday)
Film Date: 10 April 2017 (Monday)
Rating: **
Guests: Jang Do Yeon
Opening was long and boring. Why make them wake up so early/late for such a lame opening?! But I like Do Yeon, good balance to the team.
Episode 346
Global Race
Broadcast Date: 16 April 2017 (Sunday)
Film Date: 03 April 2017 (Monday)
Guests: New members: Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min
This is quite promising given the utter letdown the past month.
Quite hard to pass judgement, but I kinda enjoyed the ep.